Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter Concert

WONDERFUL job in the concert tonight, orchestra students!  I am so proud of the way you performed and handled yourselves through all aspects of the concert.  We may need to move our next concert to a bigger place - the cafetorium can hardly fit all of us!

For 6th graders...I heard so many comments about how cool the glow-in-the-dark bows were.  You did a great job remembering everything!  And going from rest to ready position never took more than a second - all that practice paid off.  Dragon Slayer was amazing - you worked together well as a team, and everyone did their part to make ti sound good.

For 7th & 8th graders...everyone loved Wipeout!  You have really stepped up to the challenges I've given you - I need to pick out harder music next semester!  Remember when we were rehearsing Sinfonia in D at the beginning of the year, and I put on the recording, and it seemed really fast?  I want you to go listen to it now - it seems too slow to me!  You all rocked that performance tonight!

I am SO PROUD of all of you.  Congratulations on an excellent performance!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


String camp is coming soon!  On November 13-14, we will head up into the mountains for a fun, refreshing time to hang out and make music together.  A couple of reminders:

PLEASE get the full $85 in by Friday, November 9th.

We are still in need of parent chaperones!  Please let me know if you are available to help out in this way.

Some of our planned activities include:
-Roller skating
-Rehearsing with peers from BHMS
-Movie night
-Special presentation on how instruments are made
-Orchestra Olympics
-Talent show

It will be a great time!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Harry Potter

Harry Potter...that is what the Chamber Orchestra will be working on right now!  It was great to see everyone Wednesday morning, and I hope to have even more students next week!  Please remember to get registrations in, along with any paperwork I haven't yet received.  Thanks!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Hi everyone!

***UPDATE***The registration form is now under the "Orchestra Documents" section!

I am extremely excited to announce that we will be starting the Aspen Creek Chamber Orchestra on Wednesday mornings from 8:45-9:20 in the orchestra room!  We will not start this week (8/29), but the following week (9/5).  This is a great opportunity to enjoy learning even more music, and this group will have special performance opportunities throughout the year.  You do need to commit to coming each week so we can have a consistent group.  I look forward to seeing you all there!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Concert Dates Confirmed!!!

Hi everyone - our concert dates are now CONFIRMED (and listed on the website)!  I will send something out to make sure everyone clearly has the dates on their calendars as soon as I can work a couple of field trips out.  But for now, please put these concerts on your calendar!

We had a great first full week of class.  Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Practice Records + Website + Listening Links

For those of you who brought it to my attention that the practice records weren't working...this issue is now FIXED!!!  I have removed the requirement that you sign in with your BVSD login, so everyone should be able to access the practice logs now.  Thanks for your patience!

I really appreciate everyone who has used the website - to date, 23 people have signed handbooks online, which means 23 packets of paper (and the corresponding trees) were saved!

I have uploaded listening links for 7th & 8th grade music.  These links are provided by the publisher to give you an idea of how the song sounds.  You could also go onto YouTube and search for the song to see and hear real live people playing the songs!  You will probably find a variety of videos on YouTube, each with a different quality of performance.  If you find a really good video, please share, so that our entire class can listen to it!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Orchestra Handbook, Practice Sheets & More!

I have uploaded a few documents onto the website.  In an effort to use less paper this year, I am posting the orchestra handbook under the "Orchestra Documents" section.  After reading it, you can either print out the last page, sign it, and turn it in or click on the link and fill out the Google form to turn it in.

Practice records will work the same way - I am providing two options for submitting them.  You could pick up a paper copy, fill it out, and turn it in or click on the link on the website to fill out the Google form.  I will accept either.

The room looks great, except it is empty!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! :-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beginning of the Year

Hi everyone!  I thought I would start a blog as a way of frequently updating posts on the webpage.  

I have been at all of my schools this past week, setting everything up and getting things ready for everyone to come tomorrow!  I have some great ideas for music and I am excited for us to get going!

Two other things I have worked on are the orchestra handbook (found in the Documents section) and this website.  Please explore the site and look for frequent updates.

I know I have met many of you at string camp, or teaching 5th grade classes, and I want you to know that I can't wait to work with all of you!  I hope you have had fantastic summers and I will see you all soon!

---Ms. Yeh